Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mango Batida - Cachaça your fruit, folks.

Mango Batida, originally uploaded by Samer Farha.

Stumbled onto this through an image on TasteSpotting (gotta give props).

I love mango cocktails - especially sweet spicy one's like my beloved Mango Mariachi Margarita from Bar Abilene. This one (Mango Batida) looks good as well. If you don't stock Cachaça in your bar, you should.


Anonymous said...

Wanting to serve Caipirinhas at my Super Bowl bash. Having trouble finding cachaca. Do you know of any local sources?

DM said...

Depends on where you are when you say "local". Here in Twin Cities, I have found most larger liquor stores stock at least one variety. I tend to buy Spirits at Surdyks and they have one called Cachaca 51. If you are having a hard time finding it, try asking for "Brazilian Rum" - it is often labeled as such when it is imported, but it should clearly call itself out as Cachaca.